Cannabis Prices on the Dark Web

Updated: July 16, 2024

1. Introduction

This report examines the prices of cannabis sold on the anonymous internet marketplace Abacus Market. The analysis is based on data collected from 500 listings by approximately 140 sellers, originating from 18 countries. The study investigates the determinants of cannabis prices, including listing characteristics and country-specific factors.

2. Key Findings

3. Data Summary

Variable Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
Cannabis price (US $ per g) 10.4 5.6 1.4 64.0
Quantity per item (g) 94.8 335.5 0.2 4560.0
Total quantity sold (g) 307.2 929.1 0.0 7700.0
Seller rating (0-100) 98.1 4.6 69 100
THC content (%) 16.0 3.3 1.0 25.0

4. Methodology

The study employs a log-linear regression model to analyze the determinants of cannabis prices. The main equation is:

log(Pij) = α + βlog(qij) + γrij + X'ijδ + εij

Where P is the price per gram, q is the quantity offered, r represents quality indicators, and X represents seller and country characteristics.

5. Results

The main findings from the regression analysis include:

6. Conclusion

The analysis reveals that the internet-based cannabis market exhibits characteristics of monopolistic competition. Sellers offer differentiated products with quality variations, leading to price dispersion. Both listing characteristics and country-specific factors influence cannabis prices. The findings provide insights into the functioning of online drug markets and the determinants of cannabis prices in this context.

7. Limitations and Future Research

The study is based on data from a single dark web marketplace and a specific time period. Future research could explore:


Web scraping techniques were employed to collect data on product listings for cannabis flower, edibles, and concentrates across the three marketplaces. Prices were recorded in USD and converted to a common currency for comparison.


Product Category Nexus Market Abacus Market MGM Grand Market
Cannabis Flower $10 per gram $12 per gram $14 per gram
Edibles $5 per edible $6 per edible $7 per edible
Concentrates $20 per gram $30 per gram $35 per gram


The observed price differences across the marketplaces can be attributed to various factors, including vendor competition, product quality, and market dynamics. Nexus Market's lower prices may reflect its larger vendor base and greater competition, while Abacus Market and MGM Grand Market's higher prices could indicate a focus on premium-quality products or a more established vendor network.


This analysis is limited by the dynamic nature of the dark web, where prices and product availability can fluctuate rapidly. Additionally, the data collection process may not have captured all available listings, potentially impacting the accuracy of the average prices.


The dark web offers a diverse range of cannabis products at varying price points. Nexus Market appears to offer the most competitive prices, while Abacus Market and MGM Grand Market cater to a premium market segment. Further research is necessary to explore the factors influencing price variations and to monitor market trends over time.


This analysis is for informational purposes only and does not condone or promote illegal activities. It is essential to adhere to local laws and regulations regarding cannabis consumption and purchase.